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Latest news!
We've reached 60% of our target to support Casa Reom as they look after the boys and help other local families still recovering from Cyclone Idai.
Thanks to committments from new or existing supporters we have raised an additional £600 per month toward our target of £1000.
At this time when many charities in this country and are facing challenges, it is the poorest countries of the world that will face the biggest challenge.
Please join with us in supporting the people of Beira in Mozambique.

What are we trying to Do?
We are aiming to increase the level of regular donations to Casa Reom by £1000 per month in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai. As well as supporting the boys living at Casa Reom and running a school for 600 pupils, the money will allow Casa Reom to continue to support the local community.

Why is this Neccessary?
Casa Reom is helping local people recover from the after effects of the cyclone and these needs will remain for a number of years to come. Casa Reom is seeking to invest in the lives of the poorest families who don't receive other forms of help. Also, because of damage to YWAM's building in Beira, Casa Reom has lost its ability to generate income locally.
Is this Sustainable?
As a Trust, we recognise that aid is best used to cover a crisis or an emergency. We try to invest in things that encourage self-sufficiency and our long term aim is to help Casa Reom less reliant on outside income.
One way we do this is by using the same amount of money to do more. With the same level of regular income, Casa Reom has doubled the size of the school and increased the number of local families receiving help.
What is being done locally to address the need?
YWAM policy means that all YWAM volunteers have to raise their own support to work at Casa Reom. This is quite a challenge for Mozambicans and represents a major local investment in itself.
Casa Reom has reduced the number of employed staff and obtained government subsidies for teacher's salaries. Investments have been made to reduce the cost of food, through bulk buying and growing their own, and there is now more assistance from local churches and businesses.
They really are doing an amazing job to do so much with so little!
What will the money be used for?
The money will be used for day-to-day running expenses, including food, fuel, clothing and other essentials as well as the salaries of a few local employees. Since the cyclone, the Casa Reom staff have more responsibilities. They now manage rebuilding programmes in and around Beira and help the local community recover from the cyclone.

The capital costs for rebuilding homes is funded by international donors directly through YWAM. However, once the running costs are covered, the Trust will donate more funds to capital investment projects.