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Get Involved

Supporters of Casa Reom Trust say that the great thing about our charity is that it is being part of a project where we can become directly involved and see exactly where our money is going. Our main focus just now is raising the remaining money required to complete the Staff Accomodation Block and you can really help us!

Casa Reom Trust relies on the generosity of individuals. To make a donation toward the Staff Accomodation Block use the donate button here or at the top of the page.

Organise a fundraising event for the Staff Accomnodation Block using one of these fundraising platforms:

JustGiving Logo.jpg

We'd love to come and speak at your church or group about the work of Casa Reom. Our trustees are based in central and south England as well as Northern Ireland, and we'd love to come and give a presentation. Use the "Contact us" page to get in touch.

As a Christian Charity, many of our supporters help by prayer regularly for the work of Casa Reom. We talk to the Casa Reom staff on a regular basis and hear about the needs, challenges and opportunities faced by the staff and children and from this we produce regular Prayer News which supporters can sign up to receive.

Click on this link to go open our Mailchimp subscription form, where you can sign up for Casa Reom News and Casa Reom Prayer News. Once subscribed, you can change your preferences at any time by selecting the "update your preferences" link at the bottom of any of our emails.

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